Roman Historic Timeline

1000 B.C.- Latins enter region
753 B.C.- Rome founded
509 B.C.- Republic created
451 B.C.- Twelve Tables written
405-265 B.C.- Italy conquered
464-146 B.C.- Punic Wars fought
44 B.C.- Julius Caesar assassinated
27 B.C.- Empire and Pax Romana begin with reign of Augustus
A.D. 9- Birth of Vespasian
A.D. 29- Jesus crucified
A.D. 63- Vespasian named proconsul of Africa
A.D. 64- Christian Persecution begins
A.D. 69- Vespasian becomes Emperor
A.D. 79- Pompeii destroyed/Vespasian's death
A.D. 180- Pax Romana ends
A.D. 253- Germanic tribes enter frontier regions
A.D. 285- Diocletian divides empire into East and West
A.D. 313- Christianity given recognition
A.D. 324- Constantine reunites empire
A.D. 370- Huns invade frontier
A.D. 380- Christianity made official religion
A.D. 395- Empire permanently split
A.D. 476- Last emperor deposed